Monday, May 31, 2010

the other side of the sunset

So you may be wondering what is going on in Fiji again but alas that is not what this post is about. This post is about looking at life from a different perspective and how it can be just as beautiful as the first perspective. This I have deduced from watching the other side of a sunset. Try it sometime. It is just as beautiful as looking into the sun but no one appreciates it. There are still beautiful colors it just looks different. It is soothing in a way. I think that this can be applied to the rest of life. Some days we take advantage of the beautiful things in life. Maybe we need to turn around and see something different but equally as beautiful. Maybe we just need to turn around and see something different. It doesnt have to be beautiful but it needs to be different. We as people get stuck into a routine and forget to enjoy the little things in life like a sunset or flowers or a childs laugh. We especially as westerners tend to get caught up in daily life and not remember what it is to truly live life. To pay attention to friends and family, to smell the flowers, to cook something great, to just live. Maybe this is the most important thing I have learned in Fiji so far. To just live, to remember that theres more to life than just work and meeting some sort of goal. It is truly the journey that is important. Well this is my wisdom for today moce for now!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Snorkeling vs. Diving

Well its been a while since I last updated! Im not going to update on exactly what ive been doing because it would be a long list of mostly homework and some fun adventures along the way if you really want to know e-mail me and ill let you know! What I really wanted to talk about is snorkeling. I have come to absolutely love snorkeling since I have come to Fiji. The freeness of just lazying about the water or being terrified of touching the coral is just amazing. I had only snorkeled one time before coming to Fiji. That was in Puerto Rico. Now all I want to do is get my dive certification so I can get closer to things! I would like to say though snorkeling isnt just fun and games you need to be aware of your surroundings which many times for me becomes very difficult. I get quite caught up in looking at the beautiful coral and gorgeous fish that I have to remember to not get lost or stay out to long so I get stuck at low tide. But alas I survive my snorkeling experiences with only minor injuries and only a few moments of shear terror. Since I have only had minor mishaps with snorkeling I feel that diving would be the logical next step. I am hopefully going to get my dive certification in a few weeks at an island that I have snorkeled at before. I do not know if my moments of shear terror when I dont pay attention to everyone else and end up nearly alone will be more or less. Well soon I will find out if there are too many perils for diving for me to stand or if it is just like snorkeling but better! Well Moce for now!