Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just a few more days to go!

I am right now at home all alone the rest of my family is either at work or at school so I have some time to sit and think. I am leaving for Fiji in just 2 days and it still feels a little unreal I think that it will probably feel that way for a few weeks! But right now Im packing and spending my last few days in the US with my family and some friends. Im not sure what to expect when I get there. I have thoughts about a tropical island and everything being all happy. But I dont think that it will be all perfect. Im sure that I will meet challenges while im there. I dont know what the people will be like but I have read that they are very friendly! I guess right now im just going on what I have read but you know you cant believe everything that you read! So I guess for right now I have to just wait. Not much longer but I have to wait! It will be an adventure nonetheless! I cant wait! I think that many times we get to comfortable in our lives and need to shake it up. Maybe this is my way of shaking up my life. I know I need something different right now and maybe this will be just what the doctor prescribed. Well I guess its goodbye for now! I will try to post from one of the airports along the way!

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