Sunday, February 21, 2010

New experiences and new classes!

So I have had an eventful couple of days since I last wrote! I cant believe that I have been in Fiji for only a week! It has been so awesome. I start classes today and now as I write I am sitting in the classroom for my first class. It only took me about a half hour to finally find it. Strange thing about classes in Fiji if your classes overlap or are at the same time thats just fine you can just go to part of one or go every other time. It is still a very strange concept for me. We are all living in apartments that are on campus that are really nice. They are air conditioned so that is a major plus when it is 90 everyday. We even have housekeepers who come and clean up for us. I think its a little strange but its nice because they are getting paid a living wage and my bed is made everyday. Speaking of a living wage most people make only $7,000 FJD a year. Thats approximately $3500 USD. So many of the people live in poverty which is really hard for me to see because the place I live is very nice. We have done so many great things since we have been in Fiji. Just yesterday we climbed a mountain. Which we were told was only a 1-2 hour hike but was really 3 hours to the top and 1 1/2 hours down. It was really fun though there were some kids who were playing in the river who took us up the mountain and back down. They were making fun of us a lot because we kept slipping and falling. I have also made my first trips to the market. The fruit and veggie market is my favorite because there is so much good food to look at and it is really cheap. For example a pineapple here(which is quite a bit smaller than a pineapple back home) is only $2 FJD which is about $1 USD. I have also noticed that I am stared at all the time because I am one of the very few white people here. We are especially stared at when we are in big groups. Everything here is so new and strange to me I just want to explore it all! Well I suppose I should get ready for class!

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